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Europe Day 2024

EU Ambassador’s statement on Europe Day at Expo Georgia


Greetings! Madam President, Mister Prime Minister, Mister Mayor, Honourable Ambassadors, dear guests.  

Today is Europe Day!

Georgia for the first time celebrates this day, as a candidate for the EU membership.

Today we celebrate the success of 27 countries with different history and culture, based on common values.

We celebrate the day, dedicated to peace, unity and diversity. Those are the values uniting the EU and Georgia.

EU membership means great number of opportunities for youth, economic prosperity for families and a dignified life for elderly people.

We want Georgia, with its unique culture and traditions, to become a part of this unity.

In autumn, the EU will decide whether Georgia will take the next step towards membership.

This opportunity exists right now (!). Don’t miss it. Time is running out! It depends on you how you will use it. You create future of Sakartvelo.

Stay on the EU path! We are by your side on this path!

I hope you enjoy your time with friends and family, see the results of the work done by us and our partners.

Happy Europe Day! Go forward Georgia, go forward!