The EU-supported Local Action Group (LAG) Upper Svaneti announces the second grant competition in the municipality of Mestia
The EU-supported Local Action Group (LAG) Upper Svaneti, in partnership with CARE Austria (CARE Österreich) and PMC Research Center announces the second grant competition in all 17 administrative units of Mestia municipality for supporting economic development, social and non-commercial initiatives.
The aim of the grant competition is to improve socio-economic conditions of the local population at Mestia municipality, through increasing competitiveness and diversification of economy, inclusion of vulnerable groups in economic and civic activities, promoting reasonable use of local natural resources, through applying the EU’s LEADER approach.
The project “Implementing LEADER for better livelihoods in Mestia municipality” is implemented under the EU’s ENPARD (European Neighbourhood Program for Agriculture and Rural Development) programme, with the support of the European Union, and the Austrian government. The project implies mobilizing local civil action, and ensuring wide inclusion of local population, especially vulnerable groups, through promoting their participation in realization and elaboration of the local development strategy; as well as institutionalizing local civil efforts through creation and strengthening of the “Local Action Group” of Mestia municipality, and providing support to implementation of local development strategy objectives. These components are carried out through applying European LEADER approach.
The grant competition will support commercial (farming, and non-farming), as well as social and non-commercial initiatives (advocacy, awareness raising, educational projects, trainings, innovative community initiatives). For the detailed information please consult the Grant Competition Guide, and the attachments 1 and 2.
The eligible applicants for the grant competition can be individuals, as well as legal entities registered in Georgia, carrying out their work at the territory of Mestia municipality.
The competition will be conducted into two stages:
I stage-presenting the project ideas
II stage-submitting the full proposal
This call requires the potential applicants to present their project ideas. The applicant, through project idea forms (commercial-attachment 1 and non-commercial attachment 2) will present the required information, upon evaluation of which, the applicant will be selected for the next stage, for submitting the full proposal. The successful applicants will further be informed about the subsequent steps. The winners of the first stage will be invited for the second stage competition.
The deadline for presenting project ideas is April 12, 2021, 18:00.
Please keep in mind that the grant competition will only support the projects that respond to the objectives and strategies set out in Mestia Local Development Strategy (Please view Mestia municipality Local Development Strategy 2020-2024).
For more information about the competition and the application forms, the applicants can refer to the following pages:
www.enpard.ge –ENPARD program official web-page
www.facebook.com/mestia.LAG/ – Official facebook page of the local action Group Zemo Svaneti
www.care-caucasus.org.ge – CARE Caucasus official web-page
www.mestialag.ge -Local Action Group Upper Svaneti web-page
For applying for the project idea, the applicants should download and fill out the indicated templates, and present it signed and stamped with organization seal (in case the existence of such):
a) electronic version at the following mail: Lagmestiagrants@gmail.com
b) present printed version at the following address: 15 Kakhiani street, Mestia, LAG Upper Svaneti office.
Printed version should be kept in a sealed envelope and presented in person, or sent through the post on the address mentioned above.
The applicants should present the application forms in georgian language.
The applications received after the deadline won’t be considered.
It’s prohibited to make any changes into the grant application form, including reducing the content of or adding the questions, or changing the format. Such applications won’t be reviewed.
Incomplete applications won’t be reviewed.
Handwritten applications won’t be considered.
The project “Implementing LEADER in Mestia municipality for better livelihoods in high mountainous regions of Georgia “ is implemented with support of EU’s ENPARD program, carried out by CARE Austria and PMC-Research center in Mestia municipality. Based on the European LEADER approach, the project aims to improve diversification and competitiveness of the rural economy, supports the involvement of vulnerable groups, especially women and the youth, and the sustainable management of natural resources. The EU is supporting agriculture and rural development in Georgia through its ENPARD Programme. Implemented since 2013 with a total budget of EUR 179.5 million, the main goal of ENPARD is to provide economic opportunities in rural area and reduce poverty in Georgia. More information on ENPARD is available at: www.enpard.ge