The EU-supported Tskaltubo Local Action Group launches the second phase of Grant competition in Tskaltubo Municipality
The EU-supported Tskaltubo Local Action Group launches the second phase of Grant competition to fund projects that will support local development in the Tskaltubo Municipality.
People in Need (PIN), in partnership with Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA), is implementing LAG Tskaltubo, under the EU-supported ENPARD project “Local Action Group Tskaltubo”. The project is co-funded by the Czech Development Agency (CzDA).
The aim of the grants competition is to improve socio-economic conditions of the local population in Tskaltubo Municipality, promoting diversification of the economy, and increasing access to basic social services by supporting projects that are in line with the priorities and objectives of the Tskaltubo Local Development Strategy 2020-2024 (LDS) and “Spring 2021 Grants competition’s special priorities.”
The grants competition will support business (agricultural, and non-agricultural), as well as public and community projects. Eligible applicants can be individuals, legal entities registered in Georgia, agricultural cooperatives, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and initiative groups, provided that all submitted projects will be implemented in Tskaltubo Municipality and the applicant agrees with the terms of co-financing. For detailed information, please refer to the “Spring 2021 Grants competition manual”.
The grants competition consists of the following stages:
Stage I: Initial consultations (Video consultations, Hot-line Consultations and 3 days face to face consultations);
Stage II: Submission of initial project applications;
Stage III: Evaluation of initial project applications;
Stage IV: Training of participants in writing a full project application;
Stage V: Submission and evaluation of full project applications;
Stage VI: Interview with selected applicants and field monitoring;
Stage VII: Final decision and signing of the grant agreement;
Potential applicants are encouraged to consult via hotline 595 79 23 00 till April 2, 2021. The hotline will be operational during working days from 10:00 to 18:00.
Interested applicants should submit a completed initial application form (Annexes 1, 3, and 5, depending on the type of the application) electronically in PDF format, to the email address lagtskaltubogrants@gmail.com
The deadline for submitting the applications is April 2, 2021 at 18:00. Delayed and not-typed application forms will not be accepted. The applicants should present the application forms in Georgian language.
For more information about the competition and the application forms, the applicants can refer to the following pages:
ENPARD webpage – www.enpard.ge
PIN Georgia webpage – www.PIN.ge
LAG Tskaltubo webpage – www.tskaltubolag.ge
Documents for the Spring 2021 Grants competition:
- Tskaltubo Local Development Strategy 2020-2024
- Spring 2021 Grants competition manual
- Annex #1 – Initial application form for Business projects
- Annex #2 – Evaluation form for initial Business project applications
- Annex #3 – Initial application form for Public projects
- Annex #4 – Evaluation form for initial Public project applications
- Annex #5 – Initial application form for Community projects
- Annex #6 – Evaluation form for initial Community project applications
- Annex #7 – Priorities