EU-supported Grant competition for supporting Georgia’s European Integration through Civil Society Organisations and Initiative Groups
The Civil Society Foundation announces a grant competition aimed at supporting Georgia’s European Integration under the “United Georgia for Europe” project, funded by the European Union and implemented by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), the Civil Society Foundation (CSF), the Economic Policy Research Center (EPRC) and the House of Free Journalists (IJH).
The main goal of the EU-funded project is to promote civil society participation and democratic oversight throughout the country in Georgia’s European integration process, as well as strengthen the capacity of civil society organisations to support the European integration process.
Civil society organisations, initiative groups, community organisations and community groups are given the opportunity to participate in the competition.
The purpose of the competition
The main objective of the grant competition is to support such initiatives and projects that will contribute to the process of European integration of Georgia, broad public involvement in it, as well as increasing interest and awareness of the European Union throughout the country – in the regions, villages and communities of Georgia.
Within the competition framework, particular preference will be given to innovative ideas, initiatives and events that will also cover hard-to-reach settlements and small population groups.
The purpose of the competition is to support projects that include, among others, the following activities:
a. Communication and information campaigns, media initiatives to promote awareness;
b. Evidence-based advocacy (including central and local government monitoring);
c. Civil and community initiatives, including youth participation.
The activity must correspond to the project’s main goal: promoting the process of European integration of Georgia and mobilising public support in this direction.
Applications submission procedure and requirements:
- Registered, active civil society organisations, public organisations, and initiative groups from Tbilisi and the Regions of Georgia can participate in the competition. Project proposals from unregistered groups will be considered only on the condition of their further registration and bank account opening).
- The project must be drawn up according to the grant application form (the form can be found at the following web address: https://apply.csf.ge/); When filling out the application in item No. 2 (general information about the project), it is necessary to note the EU Integration Program;
- In the application should be clearly visible the project’s goals, and action plan;
- The budget should be realistic, well-founded and relevant to the proposed activities;
- The amount requested for the implementation of the project presented within the framework of the competition should not exceed 15,000 EUR, and the minimum amount should not be less than 10,000 Euros;
- In addition to the information provided in the application form, biographies of the project director, members of the project implementation group and experts participating in the project must be attached to the project;
- Along with the application must be submitted general information about projects implemented in 2022-2023 (if available), with general project budgets;
- Duration of the project: the maximum duration of the project should not exceed 10 months;
- It is not allowed to submit two or more applications by one applicant within the framework of the competition.
- Submission deadline: 23 April 2024, 18:00
The applicant is responsible for applying in a timely and complete manner. Only complete applications will be considered.
Consultations for those wishing to participate in the competition will be held online (Zoom) on April 5 and 15 at 11:00, during the application submission period. Those wishing to receive a consultation can register using the form provided.
Selection procedure: projects submitted to the competition will be assessed by an expert commission of the European Integration Program of the Civil Society Foundation. Selection criteria will be determined in advance to ensure that the grant competition is fair and transparent.
For more information, you can contact us:
Tel.: 599 539910; Email: iraklitsertsvadze@gmail.com. The Civil Society Foundation thanks you for your interest in the competition and wishes you success!
The project is supported by the European Union and implemented by a consortium led by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), which includes the Economic Policy Research Center (EPRC), the Civil Society Foundation (CSF) and the House of Free Journalists (IJH). The project aims to promote Georgia’s further integration with the European Union through extensive public participation and cooperation, the strengthening of democracy and freedom of expression, the empowerment of civil society, youth, media, and business, as well as legal support for local activists; the initiation of high-quality research and public dialogue; and the raising of awareness of Georgian society and the international community.
This document has been produced with the assistance of the European Union and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung within the project “United for Georgia’s European Way” framework. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Civil Society Foundation and do not necessary reflect the views of the European Union and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.