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EU4GenderEquality: Reform Helpdesk

Project Description
The "EU4GenderEquality: Reform Helpdesk" programme will provide gender analysis and expert advice on gender equality in a wide range of areas such as Labour market policies, Economic development, Public Administration, Justice Reforms, Health care and social services, as well as Education and Family policies. The aim of the programme is to increase gender equality through the use of a gender analysis in decision-making, reforms, policies and programmes. The Helpdesk is mainly aimed at national governments and public administrations, EU Delegations in the region and the interested public at large.
Specific Objective
To increase the knowledge base and use of gender analysis in decision-making and reforms by the Eastern Neighbourhood governments and EU Delegations to deliver effective and equal results to all, both women and men.
Expected Results
- Expert advice provided to Eastern Neighbourhood governments and EU Delegations on the inclusion of gender analysis in policy-making and reform implementation progress.
- Staff in Eastern Neighbourhood governments and EU Delegations involved in reforms are better informed about the impact of gender-responsive reforms on inclusive and sustainable development and have improved capacity to develop evidence-based and analytically sound reforms.
- The evidence base on the impact of reforms on women in Eastern Neighbourhood countries has improved and been appropriately disseminated to select target groups.
Project documents
Project map
Photo gallery
Priority Area:
Partnership that empowers
EaP Countries:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
EU Project Number: