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GREEN Guria: Supporting Local Democracy and Rural Development for Inclusive and Resilient Green Growth

Project Description
Project Green Guria - Supporting Local Democracy and Rural Development for Inclusive and Resilient Green Growth is a 3 year project implemented by CENN in the Guria region of Georgia, explicitly targeting Ozurgeti, Lanchkuti, and Chokhatauri Municipality. The project partners are the Young Pedagogues' Union, the Institute of Democracy, and Keda LAG. The project aims to reduce poverty, improve the economic and social environment, and enhance the living conditions of vulnerable rural communities in disadvantaged regions of Georgia through strengthening civic participation, inclusive rural development, and green growth. Specifically, the project aims to contribute to building robust, climate-resilient, and green communities in Guria via diversification of rural opportunities, fostering competitive economic, agricultural, and environmental practices, and engaging civil society, vulnerable groups (VGs), women, and youth in participatory and bottom-up dialogue and planning. The target and beneficiary groups of the project include community institutions of Ozurgeti, Lanchkuti, and Chokhatauri Municipalities, local communities, local authorities, regional authorities, farmers, enterprises, tourist service providers, educational institutions and youth, tourists and visitors, and media organizations at local and regional levels.
Specific Objective
The overall objective of the action is to reduce poverty and improve the economic and social environment and living conditions of vulnerable rural communities in disadvantaged regions of Georgia by enhancing civic participation, inclusive rural development and green growth.

The specific objective of the action is to contribute to building robust, climate-resilient and green communities in Guria via diversification of rural opportunities, fostering competitive economic, agricultural and environmental practices, and engaging civil society, vulnerable groups (VGs), women and youth in participatory and bottom-up dialogue and planning.
Expected Results
• Improved participatory bottom-up mechanisms for sustainable rural and territorial development.
• Improved policy dialogue and participatory implementation of rural development approaches.
• Greener and diversified rural economy, increased areas with climate-smart forest and land management.
• Empowered rural population and improved access for rural citizens to public services and infrastructure.
Project map
Kick-off event
Priority Area:
Partnership that greens, Partnership that creates, Partnership that empowers
Environment & climate change, Agriculture and rural development, Civil society
Agriculture, Civil society, Good government, Environment, Local development, Jobs, Women, Youth, Human rights
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
Social Media Links:

EU Project Number: