EU innovative action for private sector competitiveness in Georgia
Project Description
The project is part of the wider EU4Business support to the private sector development in Georgia. It aims to assist Georgian entrepreneurs, improve the legal environment and access to finance, and strengthen the ties with the European Union.
The project responds to the objectives set out in the Annual Action Programme 2017 for Economic and Business Development in Georgia. It is implemented in close cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture and the Diaspora Relations Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as stakeholders within and connected to the private sector or to private sector development. The project also aligns with other entities and agencies working on private sector development. The project is a successful collaboration between several UN agencies, with each of them contributing within their fields of expertise.
The project responds to the objectives set out in the Annual Action Programme 2017 for Economic and Business Development in Georgia. It is implemented in close cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture and the Diaspora Relations Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as stakeholders within and connected to the private sector or to private sector development. The project also aligns with other entities and agencies working on private sector development. The project is a successful collaboration between several UN agencies, with each of them contributing within their fields of expertise.
Specific Objective
To increase capacities of the Georgian Government and local entrepreneurship to enhance private sector competitiveness in Georgia.
Expected Results
- Strengthened capacities of policy-makers and other stakeholders to identify and develop clusters (UNIDO).
- Developed and functioning of the clustering approach in the packaging (UNDP) and seeds/seedlings sectors (FAO).
- Developed and supported strategic investments in companies deemed necessary to improve the cluster (UNDP).
- Mainstreamed migration in SME development (IOM)
- Developed and functioning of the clustering approach in the packaging (UNDP) and seeds/seedlings sectors (FAO).
- Developed and supported strategic investments in companies deemed necessary to improve the cluster (UNDP).
- Mainstreamed migration in SME development (IOM)
Project documents

EU and FAO support Georgian walnut and almond producers with international expertise

EU and FAO support Georgian winemakers with international expertise

The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, EU and FAO support implementation of fruit sapling certification in Georgia.

Vano’s saplings – family traditions meet European standards.

The EU and FAO support Georgian citrus sector with international expertise

With EU4Business and FAO support, Georgian Seeds and Saplings Association joins International Seed Federation

Georgian seedlings nurseries receive grafting equipment with FAO and the EU support

Pruning festival – the best agricultural practices with EU and FAO support

Two screen houses established by EU and FAO

Georgian Seeds and Saplings Association (GEOSSA)

Caucaspack LTD

PMAG Cluster / Packaging Manufacturers Association of Georgia

Support to Georgian nursery enterprises
Project map
Photo gallery
International Conference Biopharma 2023 Georgia
GMP Training for Tbilisi State Medical University Students
National Conference for the Georgian Marine Fishing Cluster
GMP Trainings for the Regulatory Agency
Support to Georgian nursery enterprises
Caucaspack LTD
Training on Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) for the Georgian Pharmaceutical Cluster
E-Marketing Graduation Ceremony for Jewelry and Toys Clusters
Training on Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) with a Chapter on Documentation Management for the Georgian Pharmaceutical Cluster
Unique Georigan Taste in Kutaisi - agrarian market supported by the EU and FAO
Training on Good Distribution Practice (GDP) for the Georgian Pharmaceutical Cluster
Packaging business cluster's online meeting on labour safety, emerging challenges and available opportunities.
Georgian firms shift production to meet pandemic challenge
Promoting strong and competitive business in Georgia
Pruning Festival
Study tour in Italy
Establishment of the National Seedling Certification System - Training for the representatives of the State Institutions
Unique Georgian Taste - October Event
Making Tenili Cheese
Unique Georgian Taste in Kutaisi - Short Video for Social Media
Priority Area:
Partnership that creates Subsector:
Employment and entrepreneurship Topic:
Business Project Status:
Completed Start Date:
01.02.2019 End Date:
31.01.2023 Website:
EU Project Number: