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Employment forum was held in Ozurgeti with the support of the European Union /ევროკავშირის მხარდაჭერით ოზურგეთში დასაქმების ფორუმი გაიმართა

Employment forum was held in Ozurgeti with the support of the European Union


On June 8, employment forum was held in Ozurgeti. The forum aimed to promote employment opportunities for youth, IDPs, inexperienced, long-term unemployed, and other vulnerable groups. Furthermore, the forum’s objective was to comprehend the significance of improving cross-sectoral cooperation for employment opportunities in the regions of Georgia.

50 Job seekers also had the opportunity to engage in interactive workshops on Job Readiness and Volunteering.

The forum’s panel discussions emphasized labour market challenges, the role of cross-sectoral cooperation, and means of improving employment possibilities. Experience-based learning stood as an essential issue of deliberation, introducing successful practices implemented with the support of the EU-funded projects. The forum hosted representatives of the European delegation in Georgia, the State Employment Support Agency (SESA), vocational education and training institutions, civil society organizations, local government, employers and job seekers, local business entities, business consulting companies and other stakeholders.

The employment forum was supported by the European Union and was organized by the Institute for Change and Innovation (ICI), Skills for Employment and Cooperation – Perspectives for the Regions of Georgia – SECTORs” project; the Education Development and Employment Center (EDEC), “Learn, Exercise, Achieve, Receive, Network for Employment! (LEARN for Employment!) “project, the United Nations Association of Georgia, “Local Investments in Networks for Knowledge and Skill-share (LINKS)” project; and State Employment Support
Agency (SESA).

For information, please contact Tamar Ghlonti
Mobile: 599156384
Email: : tamghlonti@gmail.com