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EU4Youth: Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship

Project Description
The project design is complex and multicomponent, while demonstrating a regional approach to activities focused on youth employment and job placement in the Eastern Partnership region.
The key components include the following:
• Skill development and capacity building for civil servants and not only;
• Development of inter-sectoral interaction and cooperation between public authorities and the establishment of sustainable interaction networks between Public Employment Services;
• Informing and raising awareness of young people on decent work standards;
• Piloting certain elements of the Youth Guarantee scheme; working towards validation and certification of skills acquired through non-formal education.
The Programme provides both classic packages of capacity building activities (trainings, courses, etc.) for civil servants and innovative activities towards the development of active labour market measures for unemployed young people, NEETs, and disadvantaged youth.
Specific Objective
The Project will seek to establish structural cooperation and networking with all regional institutions and actors active in the field of youth employment policy. In particular this foreseen networking with the European Network of Public Employment Services and the European Alliance for Apprenticeship, so that the EaP countries can benefit from the know-how and experience of these networks.
The Project is intended as an instrument to assist all the countries of the Eastern Partnership to support constructive and mutually compatible youth employment field.
The project aims to achieve two main goals:
1. Building cross-sector interaction and cooperation among the three institutional branches: public, private, and nongovernmental institutions.
2. Professional development of employees of public authorities (Public Employment Service and other authorities, which prioritize the issues of youth employment and job placement).
Expected Results
Project outcomes will include:
Enhanced capacity for stakeholders for active labour market policies developments and evidence based employment policy design;
Massive information campaigned and knowledge sharing on youth employment policies, labour legislation, youth rights and standards;
Piloted Youth Guarantee-type measures integrated into the public youth employment policy;
Legislative and structural changes and amendments for better jobs and recognition of skills acquired through non-formal and informal learning.
Project documents
Project map
Photo gallery
Priority Area:
Partnership that empowers, Partnership that empowers, Partnership that connects, Partnership that creates, Partnership that creates
Civil society, Youth participation and leadership, Digital (broadband, mobile, eGov, digital innovation, cyber), Youth (entrepreneurship & skills development), Education, Research and Innovation
Youth, Civil society, Digital, Dialogue, Skills, Jobs, Education, Eastern Partnership
EaP Countries:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
Social Media Links:

EU Project Number: