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Pathways to Gender Justice: Building a Safe and Equal Society

Project Description
This project aims to promote gender equality and reduce gender-based violence (GBV) in Georgia by strengthening the capacities of local civil society, government bodies, and educational institutions. It focuses on empowering marginalized groups, including ethnic minorities, displaced women, and GBV victims in the regions of Kvemo Kartli, Kakheti, and Tbilisi. Through a combination of civil society engagement, economic empowerment, and educational reforms, the project will improve women’s economic participation, promote gender-sensitive policies, and raise awareness about GBV.

Key activities include capacity-building for civil society organizations (CSOs) to monitor and influence local government plans, supporting women entrepreneurship clubs, and engaging youth, men, and educators in dialogue on gender equality. This initiative will also create safe spaces and direct economic opportunities for vulnerable women and foster positive shifts in social norms through media campaigns, training, and advocacy efforts.

The expected impact includes increased participation of women in local decision-making processes, improved economic opportunities for women, and a reduction in GBV, while reaching over 20,000 people through various outreach efforts.

Specific Objective
Overall Objective:
The project aims to advance gender equality and empower women by fostering economic opportunities, strengthening civil society, and addressing gender-based violence. This will create a more inclusive, equitable society where women can thrive and actively contribute to decision-making processes.

Specific Objectives:
- Increase women’s economic participation by supporting entrepreneurship and providing access to financial resources, especially for marginalized groups.
- Strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) to advocate for gender equality and collaborate with local governments on gender-responsive policies.
- Raise awareness on gender equality and gender-based violence (GBV)** through educational campaigns, youth engagement, and media outreach.
- Improve support services for GBV survivors by establishing safe spaces, providing legal and psychological assistance, and enhancing law enforcement responses.
- Promote gender-sensitive education by incorporating equality-focused curricula and creating safer learning environments in schools and communities.

This focused approach will ensure that women are empowered both economically and socially while addressing the root causes of inequality and violence.
Expected Results
Expected Results of the Program/Project

By the completion of the program, the following key results are anticipated:

1. Enhanced Gender Curriculum: Development of a comprehensive short course on gender equality, including theory and practical applications, which will be delivered to at least 150 students and 15 educators.

2. Increased Capacity of Educators: Training of 60 teachers (30 from schools and 30 from kindergartens) in gender-sensitive educational practices, leading to the implementation of these methods in their classrooms.

3. Empowered Student Champions: Identification and engagement of 8-10 student gender champions who will actively promote gender equality initiatives within their communities.

4. Youth Engagement in Gender Advocacy: Establishment of 5 youth clubs engaging 120 youth members in activities focused on gender equality and empowerment.

5. Innovative Media Campaigns: Creation and dissemination of 20 multimedia products addressing gender norms and stereotypes, enhancing community awareness and dialogue.

6. Strengthened Civil Society Capacity: Increased capabilities of local CSOs in advocating for gender equality and economic empowerment, resulting in more effective linkages between duty bearers and rights holders.

7. Sustained Peer Education Initiatives: Establishment of peer education programs within VET institutions, fostering ongoing discussions and actions around gender equality among youth.

8. Community Involvement: Active participation of vulnerable groups, including ethnic minorities and GBV victims, in project activities, ensuring their voices are included in decision-making processes.

9. Publication of Youth-Created Content: Generation of 20 blogs and articles by youth, alongside 5 video productions, to be published on the Imitom.ge platform and promoted across social media.

10. Documentation of Best Practices: Development of guidelines and recommendation packages for educational institutions on implementing and sustaining gender-sensitive curricula.

11. Informed Policy Changes: Contributions to local and regional policy discussions and transformations related to gender equality and women’s economic empowerment, influenced by project findings and outcomes.
Project map
Priority Area:
Partnership that empowers
Civil society
Women, Civil society, Youth
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
EU Project Number: