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GREEN - Global Resilience and Environmental Empowerment Nurturing

Project Description
The overal objective of the GREEN project is to contribute to a more resilient and sustainable economy in West Georgia.
The project is implemented in Guria, Adjara and Samegrelo by the the Institute for Change and Innovations, the Institute of Democracy and the Association Atinati.
The main target of the project will be local Business clusters/SME/Other sectoral associations, farmers, VET service providers and school students.
The duration of the project is 36 months.

Specific Objective

SO1 More sustainable practices applied and promoted by local businesses and sectoral associations in West Georgia
SO2 More sustainable practices applied by smallholders and farmers in West Georgia
SO3 Strengthened engagement for sustainability from students, consumers, and active professionals in the west Georgian population
Expected Results
Op1. Enhanced capacities of local businesses and sectoral associations to introduce and promote sustainable practices
Op2. Stronger availability and dissemination of information on multi-hazard in the agriculture sector
Op3. Enhanced educational and VET programmes about sustainable agriculture
Project map
Priority Area:
Partnership that greens
Environment & climate change
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
Social Media Links:

EU Project Number: