Support to rural development in Georgia
Project Description
The project aims to establish and implement Rural Development Strategies for Georgia and its Ajara region respectively, with associated capacity building for institutions administering rural development in Georgia. These activities are expected to increase institutional capacity for the development and implementation of a National Policy on Rural development in Georgia; also to improve conditions in rural areas through the diversification of the rural economy in Ajara.
Specific Objective
The main objective of the support is, the establishment and implementation of Rural Development Strategies for Georgia and its Ajara region respectively, with associated capacity building for institutions charged with administering rural development in Georgia.
The key outcome resulting from the support, will be:
• Improved employment and living conditions through the diversification of the rural economy
The key outcome resulting from the support, will be:
• Improved employment and living conditions through the diversification of the rural economy
Expected Results
The project is expected to deliver the following outputs:
1. An integrated Rural Development Strategy and Action Plan for Georgia developed and adopted;
2. Capacity built among the public sector and stakeholders to deliver rural development policy;
3. An integrated Rural Development Action Plan for Ajara developed and adopted;
4. Enhanced capacity within the public sector and stakeholders in Ajara AR to effectively deliver rural development policy.
1. An integrated Rural Development Strategy and Action Plan for Georgia developed and adopted;
2. Capacity built among the public sector and stakeholders to deliver rural development policy;
3. An integrated Rural Development Action Plan for Ajara developed and adopted;
4. Enhanced capacity within the public sector and stakeholders in Ajara AR to effectively deliver rural development policy.
Project map
Photo gallery
Series of Trainings on EU’s LEADER approach were conducted for Local Action Groups in Ajara
EU Promotes Best Rural Development Practices in Georgia (Borjomi)
EU supports Ajara Autonomous Republic to Set Rural Development Priorities for 2018-2020
Rural Development in focus of the Georgian Media
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Georgia’s Rural Priorities Discussed in Tetritskaro
The Government and Kazbegi Local Action Group discuss Georgia’s Rural Development Priorities
The Government visited Keda and Khulo to discuss Georgia’s Rural Development Priorities
EU, in partnership with UNDP, supports Rural Development Training of Trainers Event
Rural Development Training was conducted for the Representatives of the Government of Ajara AR
EU, in partnership with UNDP, promotes cooperation between Local Action Groups and Government of Georgia
The European Network for Rural Development supports Georgia in establishing National Rural Development Network
EU, in partnership with UNDP, Supports Rural Development Workshops in 10 Regions of Georgia
Civil Society Organizations Advocate for Rural Development
Rural Development Trainings were conducted for the Representatives of the Government of Georgia
Government of Georgia Presents Key Areas of Rural Development in 2017-2020
Priority Area:
Partnership that creates Subsector:
Agriculture and rural development Topic:
Agriculture, Local development Project Status:
Completed Start Date:
01.07.2016 End Date:
31.12.2018 Website:
EU Project Number: