European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development in Georgia, phase III (ENPARD Georgia III)
Project Description
There is a clear rural-urban divide when it comes to economic opportunities in Georgia. Rural poverty remains high, particularly in remote areas, due the deterioration of agriculture in the recent past and the lack of viable economic alternatives, affecting people's resilience and their ability to adapt and to recover from stresses and shocks.
ENPARD is the single largest programme in support to the Strategy for Agriculture Development in Georgia. The adoption of the policy framework for rural development in Georgia facilitates integration of ongoing support to agriculture alongside other measures targeting the diversification of rural economic opportunities and the environment for a more effective impact on poverty alleviation. This programme is a budget support programme, meaning that assistance is provided to the government and also to NGOs working directly with communities on the ground.
ENPARD is the single largest programme in support to the Strategy for Agriculture Development in Georgia. The adoption of the policy framework for rural development in Georgia facilitates integration of ongoing support to agriculture alongside other measures targeting the diversification of rural economic opportunities and the environment for a more effective impact on poverty alleviation. This programme is a budget support programme, meaning that assistance is provided to the government and also to NGOs working directly with communities on the ground.
Specific Objective
To promote inclusive and sustainable growth and development, creating employment and livelihoods for the poor and excluded.
Expected Results
- Improved rural economic diversification, employment and services;
- Enhanced competitiveness of agriculture;
- Improved environment, sustainable management of natural resources and climate action;
- Improved employment and living conditions of rural populations by strengthening farmers’ cooperation skills and access to resources;
- Increased capacity and support to government institutions in the reform of the agriculture and rural development sector;
- Promoted diversified social and economic opportunities in rural areas, particularly for women and youth, in due respect to the environment and the cultural heritage.
- Enhanced competitiveness of agriculture;
- Improved environment, sustainable management of natural resources and climate action;
- Improved employment and living conditions of rural populations by strengthening farmers’ cooperation skills and access to resources;
- Increased capacity and support to government institutions in the reform of the agriculture and rural development sector;
- Promoted diversified social and economic opportunities in rural areas, particularly for women and youth, in due respect to the environment and the cultural heritage.
Project map
Photo gallery
Priority Area:
Partnership that creates Subsector:
Agriculture and rural development Topic:
Agriculture, Local development Project Status:
Completed Start Date:
04.12.2017 End Date:
16.05.2022 EU Project Number: