The World NGO Day is marked on February 27 to highlight the efforts and achievements of NGO-s from all the sectors.
There are nearly 10 000 NGO-s registered in Georgia. They actively contribute to implementation of positive, result-oriented changes. They are valuable actors in protection, prevention, promotion and transformation.
Depending on their structure and goals, NGOs can fill many roles, including research, advocacy, access to justice and information, watchdog and monitoring functions, public participation, service provision, etc.
They actively participate in:
- Humanitarian work;
- Economic development;
- Education;
- Public Health;
- Environment;
- Social development;
- Agriculture;
- Anti-corruption;
- Rehabilitation;
- Human rights;
- Community empowerment;
- Information freedom;
- Consultation;
- Disaster relief, and many more.
Be an active citizen, get involved in civil activism and make a change in your community. Find out more about CSO-s and their work in Georgia here: сsogeorgia.org
EU Support to Civil Society in Georgia
The “Georgian Civil Society Sustainability Initiative” was one of the largest support programs of the EU in recent years aimed at strengthening civil society in Georgia.
In 2017-2020 more than 5 million Euros were spent within the project. As a result:
– more than 110 different types of activities were implemented
– more than 80 sub-grants worth 715 thousand Euros were issued
– more than 10,000 representatives of non-governmental and community-based organizations, initiative groups, youth, teachers, universities, central and regional media, businesses involved in corporate social responsibility, and local self-government have benefited from the project
-The project’s public campaign has reached more than a million citizens
In the framework of EU continuous support to Civil Society Organizations a successor of the completed project, new four-year project Civil Society STAR Initiative was launched in 2021. The project will continue to provide comprehensive support to civil society. The budget of the project is 6 million Euros and the volume of sub-grants has increased significantly up to 1.8 million Euros.