The European Union provides support to rural development and agriculture in Georgia through ENPARD, the European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development.
Implemented since 2013, the main goal of the ENPARD programme is to reduce rural poverty. Programme assistance is provided to the government and also to NGOs working directly with communities on the ground.
Through the ENPARD programme, the European Union aims to reach three goals:
- To build capacity and support government institutions in the reform of the agriculture and rural development sector;
- To improve employment and living conditions of rural populations by strengthening farmers’ cooperation skills and access to resources;
To promote diversified social and economic opportunities in rural areas,particularly for women and youth, in due respect to the environment and the cultural heritage.
The total budget for ENPARD in Georgia, covering the period of 2013-2025 is € 234.5 million:
- I Phase – € 52 million, 2014-2017
- II Phase – € 50 million, 2016-2019
- III Phase – € 77.5 million, 2018-2022
- IV Phase – € 55 million, 2021-2025
Support to agriculture has been highlighted in our campaign A Good Harvest – learn more here.
Support to rural development has been highlighted in our campaign My Village – learn more here.
Information about Local Action Groups is available here.

Improving the Agriculture Sector in Georgia (ENPARD III)

Support of Food Safety and Sanitary and Phytosanitary Sector in Georgia, under the ENPARD IV Programme (European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development)

AFD-ENPARD Programme for access to agricultural finance for small scale semi-commercial farms and cooperatives FinExCoop Georgia

European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development in Georgia, phase II (ENPARD Georgia II)