ENPARD Grants – Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
- What are the support packages?
Under the EU-funded ENPARD IV program, FAO is looking to provide support packages to beneficiaries. A support package is composed first of mandatory training, and then of a matching grant opportunity to purchase equipment. Both the training and the matching grant relate to food safety.
- What type of activities will the matching grant support?
The project is implementing various support packages. At the moment, the following support packages are available:
- SP3: “Support package to improve rearing and food safety practices of freshwater fish farmers in Georgia” looks to provide a food safety training and a matching grant for the purchase of oximeters and bacteria testing field kits to freshwater fish producers across Georgia.
- SP5: “Support to women small-scale milk and cheese producers” looks to provide women small-scale milk and cheese producers in in Tsalka, Adigeni, Gori and Samtredia municipalities and in the Samegrelo region with a training on food safety and a matching grant for the purchase of milking machines, cooling tanks, pasteurizers, vacuum packaging machines, and portable milk analyzer.
- What is a matching grant and a matching contribution, and how much are they?
An investment is divided between the matching contribution (paid by the beneficiary), and the matching grant (paid by FAO). The matching contribution will cover 30% of the investment while the matching grant will cover the reamining 70%. Please note that the beneficiary will have to pay first his/ger 30% to the supplier, and FAO will later pay the remaining 70% to the supplier.
Applicant’s matching contribution must be in cash or through a bank loan. No in-kind contribution (such as labor, donated land, equipment, etc.) can be considered. Moreover, it cannot be financed by a grant from another project.
- Who is the decision-maker and what is the grant procedure?
All matching grant applications will pass the following stages:
- Eligibility check by FAO
- Technical revision of the application (which may include a field visit)
- Food Safety Training (if the applicant has not yet received the mandatory training)
- Final Decision – The decision on the award will be taken by a committee composed of FAO experts, and in consultation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, and representatives from the European Union delegation in Georgia.
- Signature of a grant agreement between FAO and the selected beneficiary
- Payment of the matching contribution, delivery of the equipment, and payment of the matching grant to the supplier.
The committee award decision is final and irreversible. However, if rejected, applicants are encouraged to reapply with an improved investment proposal.
- When and how to apply?
Every support package has its own timeline and specifications. Please refer to the specific section on our webpage.
- What documentation will be required for the application?
Every support package has its own timeline and specifications. Please refer to the specific section on our webpage.
- Can the FAO Grants Team help draft or provide feedback on the application?
Yes. Shall you have any question, please contact the FAO grants team by email on fao-georgia-grants@fao.org, or by phone (please see phone numbers in the contact section)
- How long should I wait for a decision after applying?
Every support package has its own timeline and specifications. The revision period can last anywhere between a few weeks and a few months.
- Is an applicant allowed to submit more than one grant proposal?
If your application is rejected, you are welcome to file another application for a support package. However, an applicant cannot have several applications ongoing at the same time for the same support package.
- If my place of living is outside the target municipalities, but my farm operates within them, am I still eligible to apply for a grant?
Yes. The support packages consider the workplace location, not the living place.
- Can an individual submit an application?
Yes. However, all applicants need to hold legal status. If an individual is not yet registered as an individual entrepreneur, he can apply for a support package but will be required to provide a registration form before signing the grant agreement with FAO.
- Does my application have to be in English?
No, applications can be filled in both Georgian and English languages.
- Can I make updates to my application after submission?
Once submitted, the application cannot be amended by the applicant. However, during the revision process, FAO may request additional information from the applicants. If so, the applicant will be asked to share the requested information by email to fao-georgia-grants@fao.org.
- Will I receive feedback on my proposal if you reject it? Can I re-submit a proposal after it has been rejected?
All decisions taken by the selection committee are notified to applicants through email. In case of rejection, explanations will be provided to the applicant. If the call is still open for applications, applicants are free to file another application after the rejection of their initial application.
- What happens if the application is not complete or supporting documents are missing?
During the revision process, FAO will notify the applicants about the missing information or documents. Applicants will be given a reasonable delay to provide the requested information by email. Failure to do so in time will result in the rejection of the application.
- In case of additional questions:
Phone Number
(+995) 599 001186
(+995) 599 085329 -
Questions about SP3: “Support package to improve rearing and food safety practices of freshwater fish farmers in Georgia”
1.What equipment is eligible for a matching grant?
Under the current grant scheme, the freshwater fish producers holding a legal status will be able to apply for a grant for one or both of the following equipment from selected suppliers: an oximeter and/or a bacteria field testing kit.
2. Who receives the grant money?
First, after signing the grant agreement, the grantee will pay his matching contribution to the suppliers. Then, the equipment will be delivered to the grantee. The delivery will be verified by FAO, after which the grant will be paid to the suppliers. Under no circumstances can a matching grant be paid directly to the grantee.
3. Is there a minimum size requirement for ponds or fish production to be considered eligible for the application?
There is no restriction on business size under this support package. However, the pond should be big enough to be considered a business activity.
Questions about SP5: “Support to women small-scale milk and cheese producers”
- What equipment is eligible for a matching grant?
Under the current grant scheme, small scale women primary producers in the target municipalities will be able to apply for one or more of the following equipment from selected suppliers:
For small-scale milk producers, the required equipment includes a portable milking machine and a cooling tank with a maximum capacity of 500 liters.
For small-scale cheese producers, the necessary equipment includes a portable milking machine, a cooling tank with a maximum capacity of 500 liters, pasteurizers with a maximum capacity of 500 liters and a portable milk analyzer.
- Who receives the grant money?
First, after signing the grant agreement, the grantee will pay his matching contribution to the suppliers. Then, the equipment will be delivered to the grantee. The delivery will be verified by FAO, after which the grant will be paid to the suppliers. Under no circumstances can a matching grant be paid directly to the grantee.
- Is it possible for a male farmer to submit an application?
No. Under the current grant scheme, the recipient must be a female.
- Are milk and cheese producers eligible to apply if their cattle are not registered in the National Animal Identification and Traceability System (“NAITS”)?
Yes, milk and cheese producers are eligible to apply even if their cattle are not registered in the “NAITS”. However, the applications from producers whose cattle are registered in the “NAITS” will be scored higher during the technical evaluation of applications.
- Can applicants who own less than 6 cows still apply?
No. Applicants must hold a total herd between 6 and 20 milking cows.
- When and where can I receive training?
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