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Comprehensive Institutional Building Programme in support to the National Food Agency of Georgia (NFA), Phase 3

Project Description
Overall objective of the NFA’s CIB action is to protect Georgian consumers. The specific objective is to establish an effective food safety, veterinary, and sanitary and phyto-sanitary (SPS) management system in Georgia approximated with the respective EU system. This requires an organization-wide transformational change to be enacted over a period of several years. This has been facilitated by the CIB programme and the CIB team of experts functioning as a development unit of the NFA. The main aim of CIB Phase 3 is to support the NFA policies regarding institutional development leading to aligned systems between Georgia and the EU as already mentioned in the Comprehensive Strategy and Legislative Approximation Programme in Food Safety.
Specific Objective
• Increased level of knowledge and practical skills of the staff of NFA and other key official bodies operating in the food safety and SPS sector
• Increased public awareness of food safety and SPS issues among conusmers, processors, and farmers and strong private sector
• NFA having adequate IT capacity to perform its institutional tasks and responsibilities efficiently
• NFA developed functional working environment and management process
• Legal approximation of the Georgian SPS legislation is systematically facilitated
Expected Results
• At least 75% of food producers and processors and 50% of consumers surveyed in 3 annual surveys are aware about basic food safety and SPS requirements by the end of the Programme
• 100% of the 4IT systems and databases introduced by the CIB 1 and 2 and CBA-G programmes are available and functioning as well as the QMS IT system from the CIB phase 3
• 100% of the 8 NFA regional and 3 municipality offices newly renovated by WB, CIB 1, and CBA-G actions are fully operational as well as the 23 smaller municipality NFA offices and storages from CIB 3
• 100% of the new Georgian SPS legislation being developed according to the approximation plan is fully approximated with respective EU law
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28th CONFERENCE of the OIE Regional Commission for Europe
Priority Area:
Partnership that protects
Governance & public administration
Agriculture, Good government
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
EU Project Number: