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Shaping regional CSOs into champions of policy dialogue and public sector monitoring

Project Description
The project contributes to the development of the regional CSOs (Civil Society Organization) so that they act as agents of change for sustainable growth, accountability, transparency and civic engagement. The project has created web-based distant learning platform and developed studying modules in Policy Analysis, Research Methodology, Advocacy and Lobbing and Public Finances. It offers equal opportunities for all who must combine training with work and families who are located in remote areas and represent minorities. The project offers small grants and internships. These activities increase capacity and engagement of regional CSOs so that they work with public authorities during decision-making process. The project also improves their knowledge and skills in Public policy, Research Methodology, Public Relations and other related fields. It lifts their significance in promoting accountability and advocating rights of the local community.
Specific Objective
Regional CSOs and their networks are effectively contributing to policy formulation, they successfully lobby for local development needs and concerns of their constituency, and are actively implementing Government monitoring, have the ability to hold public authorities to accountable for their actions, call for Government transparency, and facilitate civic engagement.
Expected Results
The project expects to achieve the following results:
- The capacity and expertise of regional CSOs and their networks are increased to develop critical responses and sound recommendations to policy formulation and engage with public authorities in decision making is increased.
- Local CSOs and networks have improved knowledge and skills in Public Policy, Research Methodology, Advocacy & Lobbying, Public Finances, Economics, Monitoring of State Activities, Monitoring of Policies and Laws, Mechanisms of Public Participation, PM&E, and Public Relations
- Young professionals and students who participate in e-learning, work as interns in local CSOs.
- Local CSOs access financial support and mentoring to conduct research or public sector monitoring.
- Local CSOs and networks cooperate and share knowledge, experience and best practice trough forum and resulting connections.
Project map
Photo gallery
E-Learning in Georgia Conference
Priority Area:
Partnership that protects
Governance & public administration
Good government
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
EU Project Number: