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Inclusive Growth through Sustainable and Green Business Practices in Georgia

Project Description
Georgia’s highest greenhouse gas emissions are in the Energy, Agriculture, and Industry sectors. Parallel, due to climatic and landscape conditions, improper agricultural practices and an unsustainable use of resources, about 35% of agricultural lands are in the process of degradation. The Government has started first steps to initiate a green transition, e.g. with the 2021-2027 Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy and the Georgian SME strategy 2021 - 2025 which both identify a low level of TVET as well as insufficient use of modern technologies and green knowledge. Thus, the main objective of the Action is to contribute to inclusive and sustainable growth in Georgia by establishing preconditions that enable the adoption of sustainable, clean energy business practices among current and future SMEs in the Agriculture and Building sectors. The specific objectives are: 1) Improved skills and sustainable business practices amongst the workforce and current and future SMEs in the target sectors, particularly agriculture sector; 2) Improved skills and sustainable energy efficient practices amongst the current and future SMEs in the building sector and selected industries; 3) Improved reputation of sustainable VET professions with youth and relevant target stakeholders.
Specific Objective
Overall objective: To contribute to inclusive and sustainable growth in Georgia.
Specific Objectives:
1. Qualifications in the Agriculture sector are ‘greened’ and owners of current and future SMEs have adopted sustainable business practices;
2. Current and future SMEs in the Building sector and selected Industries have adopted sustainable energy efficient & renewable energy business practices (through formal and informal training programs);
3. The reputation of sustainable VET professions is strengthened with youth and employers and youth- and women-led SMEs are supported with the greening of their operations through Financial Support to Third Parties (FSTP).
Expected Results
Strengthened capacities of Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions in tailoring agriculture sector programmes and trainings in line with the greening approach and integrating specific greening modules;
Increased access to new non-formal training programmes on energy efficiency and renewable energy in the building sector and selected industries for future and current workforce using international expertise;
Increased awareness amongst target stakeholders on the importance of sustainable professionalism and VET;
Strengthened technical and financial capacities of youth-led and women-led SMEs to implement sustainable business practices and green their businesses and/or increase energy efficiency of their operations
Project map
Priority Area:
Partnership that greens
Environment & climate change
Environment, Energy, Skills, Agriculture, Jobs
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
EU Project Number: