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REACT for Georgia (Resilient, Engaged, Active Civil Society for Transformation)

Project Description
REACT for Georgia strengthens the resilience of local civil society in Georgia's regions, enabling them to withstand current challenges and continue contributing to democratic governance and civic engagement across the country.

Furthermore, the REACT project ensures the need-based consolidation of Georgian civil society, not only within the sector itself but also across various areas, fostering collaboration between civil society, businesses, media, and ordinary citizens. Moreover, it focuses on strengthening the sector’s institutional capacity and improving its sustainability.

Aligning with the overarching goal of supporting civil society and promoting democratic values in the country, REACT has established Civil Society Hubs as functional institutional backbone of the sector in all 10 regions of Georgia. Furthermore, the action encourages community-based organisations and civic actors to build their capacities, advocacy skills and public outreach to reach out to the local communities and address the local challenges.

This action builds on the knowledge and experience gained during the implementation of previous two large-scale interventions: Georgian Civil Society Sustainability Initiative (2017-2021) and Civil Society STAR Initiative (2021-2024), focusing on strengthening civil society across Georgia.
Specific Objective
REACT has two specific objectives:

1. To strengthen ties between civil society actors and other stakeholders, including local businesses, media, and the broader public, and to prepare them for meaningful dialogue with authorities when conditions allow.
2. To enhance the institutional capacities of local civil society actors, particularly by improving their financial diversification strategies, and community outreach efforts.
Expected Results
Georgian civil society in general and local civil society organisations/groups/activists in particular are the core target group of REACT project. The intervention includes both capacity building and networking (civil society enhancement, public outreach, engagement through fundraising), complemented by financial resource provision (financial support to third party (FSTP)) and mentoring.

The project covers:
o 500 organised groups (CSOs, CBOs and initiative groups) regionwide.
o 3 000 citizens (activists, youth, schoolteachers, academics) regionwide.
o 50 business entities nationwide.

The project includes the grant component to support civil society hubs, local initiatives, civic activists, crowdfunding, corporate social responsibility and etc.

The ultimate beneficiary of REACT is Georgian society, with the aim of maintaining and sustaining the civil society sector both institutionally and in terms of its operational capacity.
Project map
Priority Area:
Partnership that empowers
Civil society
Civil society
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
Social Media Links:

EU Project Number: