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Improving the Standards of Employment Conditions/Relations as well as Health and Safety at Work in Georgia

Project Description
The project is part of the EU’s Skills4Jobs Programme, implemented to enhance Georgia’s economic resilience and sustainable growth through human capital development and skills matching.
The twinning project works closely with the Ministry of IDPs from Occupied Territories, Labor, Health and Social Affairs to help with establishment of higher standards in employment relationship and working conditions in Georgia. The project supports the process of:
- Approximation of primary and secondary legislation related to Labour Law, Gender Equality and Occupational Safety and Health in line with the EU acquis.
- Improving legal framework and enforcing implementation in Georgia.
- Capacity building and inter-institutional cooperation enhancement.
- Development and implementation of efficiently balanced labour inspection.
- Strengthening the capacity of labour inspectors through effective methodology and training.
Specific Objective
To support higher standards in employment relationships and working conditions in Georgia through improving legal framework and enforcing implementation.
Expected Results
- Legal framework on labour law, including aspects of labour inspection system, amended in compliance with the European Union acquis;
- Legal framework on non-discrimination and gender equality, including aspects of labour inspection system, amended in compliance with the European Union acquis;
- Legal framework on occupational safety and health, including aspects of labour inspection system, amended in compliance with the European Union acquis;
- Relevant guidelines, labour inspection manuals, checklists and other tools developed to improve the institutional operations and procedures focused on precise implementation of newly adopted legislation;
- Administrative structures and institutional capacities of the beneficiary and relevant stakeholders are assessed and improved through trainings and consulting;
- Public information campaign implemented aiming to raise awareness among the project among key stakeholders, public, private sector and civil society;
- Study visits to Member states organized to transfer good practices on organisation and management of labour inspection.
Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia
Project map
Photo gallery
Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia
short video#3_Improved
short video#2_Improved
short video#1_Improved
Priority Area:
Partnership that creates
Employment and entrepreneurship
Jobs, Skills
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
EU Project Number: