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Georgia’s young people are the future citizens of the EU. The European Union helps young people across the country access quality education and to thrive personally and professionally. Through one of the EU’s most successful programme, Erasmus+, the EU is forging strong connections between students and teachers in Georgia with universities in Europe. Over 11,000 students and academic staff exchanges have taken place between Georgia and the EU within Erasmus+ since 2014, making  Georgia one of the top ten countries benefiting from Erasmus+ in the last ten years.

Georgia hosts the the School of Europe-Tbilisi in Georgia, a secondary school programme offering high quality education to pupils from all six Eastern Partnership countries, increasing their employment opportunities and promoting a better understanding of the EU and its engagement in the region by providing access to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme with a European focus.

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The EU also provides technical assistance to state institutions to enhance formal and non-formal education and increase opportunities for the youth in developing adequate professional competences for integration in the labour market. The EU’s close collaboration with the Government of Georgia on employment services and skills development over the last 10 years has already resulted in over 30,000 jobseekers finding suitable employment. For those young people who don’t have the same access to opportunities, the EU reaches out to disadvantaged communities to help all young people develop their skills, become economically active, and work with their communities.

In addition, the EU supported the development of a Youth Strategy and Action Plan, which serves as the guiding document to build a youth-friendly Georgia. The Youth Agency is leading the development, implementation, and coordination of Youth Policy, as well as the reform of the overall youth sector in Georgia.

EU Support to Youth

EU Supported Programme ERASMUS+

EU Supported Programme ERASMUS+

Tech- Clubs in Kakheti

EU Supported “Green Guria”

EU Support to Green Entrepreneurship

EU Supported “Youth for Social Change”

Digital Hubs in Akhalkalaki

EU support to community activism in Guria

Giorgi Patsatsia – PHD Student

Feature Stories

Empowerment and skills: thousands of young Georgians benefit as EU4Youth marks five years of impact

EU-funded Social Enterprise-Training Center “Gariseli” has officially opened

How a European academic programme became a bridge to international education


EU brings the Bookshelf European Edition to Georgia’s regions, engaging youth in interactive learning

EU4Youth IV grant competition: nine winning CSOs selected in Georgia

EU-Funded Initiative Drives Significant Advancements in Employment and Skills Development in Georgia


Call for Applications: Eastern Partnership European School Scholarship Programme 2025-2027

Your chance to become a Young European Ambassador – apply now! 

EU4Youth Georgia: Helping Hand Announces Call for Participants for the “Empowering Young Leaders for Climate Change” Initiative