Governance Progress Board for the Eastern Partnership Countries
Project Description
The project aims at contributing to strengthening good governance and rule of law in the Eastern Neighbourhood. The project will enhance evidence-based policy-making and will keep track of the progress of the key reforms through reliable data analysis and through stakeholder engagement skills among the decision-makers and the civil society within EaP countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine). In doing so the analytical tool Governance Progress Board will be developed.
The main steps of the implementation are as follows;
- Development of data-driven methods to measure progress and state of play of good governance and rule of law
- Bilateral and regional consultations with national stakeholders (state and non-state)
- Development of a target group-specific communication strategy
This activity also contributes to BMZ's "Development Policy 2030" (2018) and refers to BMZ's position paper "Focus on Europe" (2016), which calls for innovative approaches to European reform processes and is also in line with the German government's regional Caucasus initiative (BMZ country strategy, 2018).
The main steps of the implementation are as follows;
- Development of data-driven methods to measure progress and state of play of good governance and rule of law
- Bilateral and regional consultations with national stakeholders (state and non-state)
- Development of a target group-specific communication strategy
This activity also contributes to BMZ's "Development Policy 2030" (2018) and refers to BMZ's position paper "Focus on Europe" (2016), which calls for innovative approaches to European reform processes and is also in line with the German government's regional Caucasus initiative (BMZ country strategy, 2018).
Specific Objective
1. Contribute to strengthened good governance and rule of law in the Eastern Neighbourhood.
2. Enhance the evidence-based policy through improved monitoring of good governance and rule of law reforms.
2. Enhance the evidence-based policy through improved monitoring of good governance and rule of law reforms.
Expected Results
1. Development and implementation of data-driven methods to measure the progress of the rule of law and good governance.
2. Promotion of evidence-based policy-making through stakeholder engagement and development of good governance Progress Board reports.
3. Improved public communication regarding the Governance Progress Board and its related reports.
2. Promotion of evidence-based policy-making through stakeholder engagement and development of good governance Progress Board reports.
3. Improved public communication regarding the Governance Progress Board and its related reports.
Project documents
Project map
Photo gallery
Priority Area:
სამოქალაქო საზოგადოება, ტრანსსასაზღვრო თანამშრომლობა, დიალოგი, აღმოსავლეთ პარტნიორობა, სათანადო მართვა, ადამიანის უფლებები, სამართალი, პოლიტიკური ურთიერთობები EaP Countries:
სომხეთი, აზერბაიჯანი, საქართველოს, მოლდოვა, უკრაინა Project Status:
დასრულებულია Start Date:
01.04.2023 End Date:
31.07.2024 EU Project Number: