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Strengthening Development Impact of Migration in Georgia (STREAMinG) Phase

Project Description
The purpose of the Phase 2 of the STREAMinG programme remain the same - to contribute to further cooperation between the EU and Georgia in order to unlock the positive impact of human mobility for the development processes in Georgia, as well as minimise the potential negative consequences of migration. The Phase 2, however, takes into account the renewed priorities of the Georgian partners in the implementation of the Migration Strategy (2021-2030) and its Action Plan 2023 . Nevertheless, the project particularly focuses on mainstreaming the concept of migration and development into all sectoral areas, by ensuring achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and in line with the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum. Building on the achievements of the Phase 1 of the STREAMinG project, this action continues contributing and enhancing the efforts of the Government of Georgia in implementation of the strategic documents in the area of migration.
Specific Objective
The overall objective of this programme is to contribute to increasing the positive impact of migration on development of Georgia by mainstreaming migration into development processes and by empowering civil society actors to participate in migration policy debates.

The specific objectives are:
SO1. To unlock migration potential for development in Georgia;
SO2. To advance capacities of SCMI member agencies on migration and development nexus;
SO3. To strengthen the capacities and accountability of civil society organisations in Georgia in order to actively participate in migration policy debate.
Expected Results
Component 1: Unlocked Migration Potential for development
1.1 Tailored diaspora engagement programmes to support the engagement of young diaspora, experienced diaspora members, including gender-focused actions as well as highly skilled diaspora are developed and supported;
1.2 Available labour force skills and qualifications in Georgia as well as labour shortages in Member States are established for their matching.
1.3 Awareness of Georgian population on the visa-free travel rules, benefits of regular migration and risks of irregular migration is sustained

Component 2: Strengthened capacities of SCMI member agencies on migration and development nexus
2.1 Effective mechanisms for combatting irregular migration, combatting THB and monitoring migration flows across the country are in place;
2.2 Capacity development tools for consular protection abroad are digitalised;
2.3 A framework for unified approach to reintegration of Georgian labour migrants is introduced;
2.4. Policy and strategy documents in the area of migration, produced by SCMI, including migratory risks analysis, are based on research, collected data analysis and thematic studies.

Component 3: Increased civil society engagement in migration policy debate, as well as service delivery targeting migrants and/or returnees
3.1. CSOs on central and local levels are actively engaged in migration and development nexus debate with Government, including policy implementation monitoring;
3.2 Civil society partnership for strengthening positive migration impact on development with government and local communities are established and piloted.
Project map
Priority Area:
პარტნიორობა, რომელიც აძლიერებს
მიგრაცია და მობილობა
Project Status:
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