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Enhancing the resilience of civil society in the Eastern Partnership (ERICS-EaP)

Project Description
The proposed action is titled ‘Enhancing the Resilience of Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership’ (ERICS-EaP). It aims to strengthen the role that civil society organizations (CSOs) play in democratic governance and reform in the six countries of the Eastern Partnership. In this pursuit, ERICS-EaP comprises a set of activities that - through organizational and risk specific capacity-building, and direct funding in the form of resilience, networking, and travel grants - equips CSOs with the necessary skills, organizational and financial resources, and regional networks to be resilient and sustainable democratic actors.
Implemented in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine, the action will directly engage and support an estimated 500 CSOs and their personnel. This will be primarily accomplished through financial support for third parties, which constitutes 68.5 percent of the total project costs of ERICS-EaP.
Specific Objective
Civil society organizations (CSOs) in the Eastern Partnership are equipped to withstand disruptive domestic and regional dynamics, and are able to contribute to the democratisation, reform and recovery processes in their countries:

- CSOs in the Eastern Partnership have the organizational capacity to foster democratic development and governance,
- CSOs in the Eastern Partnership have financial resources to improve their resilience and outreach with local communities and citizens.
- CSOs in the Eastern Partnership have expanded regional networks and cooperation to jointly promote democratic governance and European values.
Expected Results
- To improve the financial and resource base of civil society in the region
- To provide key segments of regional civil society with targeted capacity-building for improved outreach, impact, visibility, accountability, and management
- To enable civil society to effectively embed with citizens, communities, and constituencies and to link them to all layers of government
- To enhance regional and international cooperation and exchange through civil society platforms and networks
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Priority Area:
მოქალაქეთა დაცვა, აღმოსავლეთ პარტნიორობა
EaP Countries:
სომხეთი, აზერბაიჯანი, საქართველოს, ბელარუსი, მოლდოვა, უკრაინა
Project Status:
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